As I've mentioned, in my current position at Taller, I don't get the opportunity to accompany clients very often. When I do, it is because they are long-term clients with complex, difficult, cases. When I realized that I would be going to court with one of these clients on my birthday, I was bracing myself for a tough day. This particular clients' story is a heartbreaking one that involves the Department of Child and Family Services and a history of abuse and trauma.
I've written about this case before because it effects me strongly every time in I see her, as these types of emotional cases tend to do. I am so glad she has trusted me to accompany her through this process and I never dread going, but I generally wouldn't describe my time with her as "happy."
But on my way to meet the client, I realized how grateful I was to have the opportunity to accompany her today. In walking with her, I was reminded of the power and importance of accompaniment. I was reminded of all the people who have accompanied me, and I was feeling particularly grateful for their presence in my life on a day when so many people were reaching out to make my day special.
At Taller, we hope that the act of accompaniment transforms the accompanier as much as the one seeking the accompaniment. As a staff member, I have felt honored to serve as a witness to the joys and sorrows of so many men and women, and each time I accompany one of them I learn something. Today that lesson was gratitude.
And how grateful I am! From my roommate surprising me with a hot breakfast and a delicious
Enjoying my delicious birthday treat! |
birthday treat to coworkers who celebrated with me at lunch. From the friend who treated me to birthday dinner, to the one who sent me a special delivery at work. From the friends who called, texted, or emailed, to the friends and family who sent cards and packages. And though not necessarily birthday-related, I am so grateful to everyone who has accompanied me throughout this marathon training with their prayers, encouragement and financial support. I am so blessed with so many companions in my life, both today and on all days.
But back to the reason I was reflecting on this accompaniment in my own life in the first place. I am so glad to report that my client's court actually went pretty well today! In more ways than one, it really was a very Happy Birthday.
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